Mafia Pigs heads into 2023

If 2022 taught us anything, it was to be ready for change. World events have been topsy-turvey, and there have been many more awesome games launched in the world (Hello Elden Ring and many others!).

It was also the year when we kicked developing Mafia Pigs into high gear and made a ton of progress. 

We’ve gone from characters running around like headless chickens to some really entertaining stealth play, and now: competitive multiplayer mode. 

Above all, thanks to our dedicated Alpha testers, who have been rock stars! We got tons of valuable feedback in person and online to make things better. As the year comes to a close, we’re wrapping all that up for a major update early in the new year. 

We’ll still be in Alpha Mode (you can get a key via the discord right here!), but improving all the time. We’re aiming for a launch in the summer of 2023. In the meantime, a lot has been added to the game. A quick peek at some of the things include:

  • Powerups like “protection”
  • Dynamic maps to see yourself and other players in real time
  • Better inventory management
  • Refined scoring in Heist Royale mode
  • Continual tweaks to mechanics and controls

If you’d like a preview of something, here are three variations for the current “speed boost” powerup. Hot sauce for the win!

Wishing everyone a wonderful New Year’s celebration and happy, healthy, game playing 2022! Get ready for fireworks! 🙂

Published by njyx

Ex-CEO of 3scale, Timewarper and occasional game designer.

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